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All Is Subject to Christ

Pastor Michael

In today’s reading, we see that we are not to take the supremacy of Christ lightly and beware lest we drift away from it (v. 1). One of the ways demonstrated that Christ is supreme is the fact that all things have been put “in subjection under his feet” (vv. 5-8). This of course is the quoting of Psalm 8:4-6. What is interesting (and comforting) is what is next. Verse 8 continues, “Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control.” Do we really understand that? That there is literally “nothing” outside the control of Jesus. He goes on to state, “At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him.” There are things that are subject to Christ that we aren’t even aware of yet. This should bring great comfort to us. For He alone, the supreme Christ, has the authority and right alone to do this. And it is further comforting in the fact that He calls us brothers (v. 11). May the Lord be with you today.

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