This morning we read a chapter that is familiar to most followers of Christ, especially the end of the chapter. The beginning of the chapter, however, encourages followers to persevere, to enter into the rest of the Lord. Rest is a good thing. On the seventh day, God rested (Gen 2:2). This, along with the rest of the promised land, is to be a picture of the eternal rest offered to God’s people (vv. 8-10). But once again the writer encourages and warns us, “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience” (v. 11). Just as the people, for example, saw the land of giants and feared and did not believe, it is easy for people to turn away in disbelief when things get tough, to not believe God and His promises. But we are encouraged to persevere, or simply, keep believing, keep trusting. Many people know v. 12 which talks about the Word of God and how it is “alive” and “powerful” and “sharper than any two edged sword” and “no creature is hidden from His sight”(v. 12). The point of that is to show that you can’t fall away from faith in God and Him not know about it. There is no hiding from Him. So we are encouraged to press on. Press on because we have a great High Priest, Jesus the Righteous One (v. 14). Press on to rest. Press on because you have a great High Priest!