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Hope in God

Hello and welcome to the Mount Moriah Baptist Church blog, “Hope In God." I wanted to introduce you to what we are doing with this blog and how you can use it.

First, I will be able to share with you at least one passage of Scripture a week. Typically this will be going chapter by chapter through a book of the Bible, giving you some main ideas about what the Scripture is saying, sharing some insights about the chapter, and some applications.  Eventually I would like to be able to do this more often as we are technologically able to do this. In addition, I may occasionally write a blog on a topic, subject, or even book that I feel would be beneficial for our church as we move forward. This is a great way to teach the Word of God through the week.

Second, we will be sharing with you other blogs from trusted Christian pastors, bloggers, and organizations that we feel would be a blessing to you. Many of these will deal with topics that are important for our daily Christian walk and our families. While blogs abound, we want to at least put before you some good, solid material that will be a blessing to you. 

You can use this information really in two ways. The first is to read or listen to it yourself. The second is to reach others by sharing it on social media. When doing this, link to our blog page. We hope that this will be a way to serve others spiritually, raise the visibility of our church, and give people a flavor of what Mount Moriah is all about. 

I hope that the church blog will be a blessing to you and that ultimately it will encourage you to continue to find your “Hope In God.” 

In Christ, 

Pastor Michael 

PS - Did you notice that the word “teach” and “reach” were underlined? I will be explaining that in the weeks to come. 

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