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Waiting and Warning

Pastor Michael

Peter concludes his second letter with an encouragement to wait in a proper way and also a warning about falling into false teaching. In the world today, we have an overflow of information. Social media, news media, and entertainment are all vying for our attention and willing to do virtually anything to grab it. One of the things people get engrossed in is the 24/7 news cycle of endless tragedy. It holds our attention and makes it seem as if things are getting so bad there seems to be no hope. Peter writes to us to give us hope. It is true - things are getting worse and worse, yet the heart of man has always been evil - just read Genesis 1-6. What is the Christian's hope to be? That Christ is going to come again and there will be a new heavens and earth v. 13. We are told that this is a promise for which we are waiting. For then, no evil will reign; because in the new heavens and earth “righteousness dwells.” It may not be happening as fast as we’d like, but let us not think that God is not following through on His promise. No! This is God’s patience vv. 8-9. The fact we are to be waiting is seen when Peter tells us to “be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace” v. 14. 

But he also tells us that while we wait for this, we are to be warned about being carried away with false teaching. When we worry and fret and don’t saturate our minds in the Word of God, we can allow all those outside “teachings” to infiltrate our minds. While the first century Christians didn’t have Twitter, Facebook, or blogs, there is no doubt that word and false teachings spread quickly. Peter essentially says, Paul wrote good things about salvation and some things are even hard to understand that “the ignorant and unstable twist” vv. 15-17. But make sure to steer clear of these people. As I mentioned before, the current “doubt is the new faith” goes against what Abraham lived and Paul taught (Romans 4:19-25). Rather he tells us we are not to “lose our own stability” but rather we are to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How about you? Are you waiting for the coming of Christ with great hope? Are you growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ? You are always being influenced by someone. Seek to be a believer who is being influenced by God Himself, through His Word. Don’t listen to scoffers of Christianity. Wait for the coming of Christ, and beware of false teachers by growing in your faith. May the Lord be with you today. 

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